Friday, April 20, 2012

A good mix

Look at this picture from back in 1949.
Two of my loves. Rattan Cane furniture and Seagrass (Honan) matting all together in one place. 

My first ever post on this blog was about honan matting which you can revisit here. I love the smell of it.

This is Ralph Lauren's home.

Note the height of those ceilings in the first picture. Beautiful.
Seagrass matting and cane|bamboo|rattan is a very good mix.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

old school desk

I was going through a USB to make space for interesting things like tax. Riveting stuff. I came across these pic's of our old school desk which I had in the sunroom for a short while. It’s now under the television holding the dvd player and whatever that thing’s called that allows me to watch chanel GEM. A friend had taken this shots.

You could sit at the desk and see out onto the front balcony and catch the bay breezes.
'A' found this desk dumped on the street outside our local state school many years ago. Nice little bit of local history.

The chair is one of my favourite pieces. It desperately needs to be recovered, but I’m not in a rush because I’d recover it in the same neutral linen fabric anyway.

That’s all I have to say. Not terribly interesting really, other than a photo wall makes a lovely backdrop for a desk…

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

'The Bob' - a brief history

I’ve been threatening, promising, vocalising, whatever you’d like to call it, to cut my hair into a bob for about 5 years.

It was going to happen when I was 30. It didn’t. And then this year, I did the canvas with my girlfriends on styles and it was decided that yes – it would happen this month. It hasn’t.

I find myself googling ‘the bob’  and ‘finger waves’ often (I loved Tilly Devine’s on last year’s Underbelly show).  My subconscious is still living in the 1920’s. Finger waves are so gorgeous don’t you think? Insert the lovely Coco Chanel.

And Tilly -  I doubt she's happy with this photo of herself. Hair looks great though.

I came across this website that talks about when ‘the bob’came into trend. So interesting – have a read and if you can’t be bothererd this is it in a nutshell:

Bob’s came into vogue in the 1920’s (Coco Chanel had a bit to do with it catching on)

Hairdressers of the time were only familiar with curling layers of long hair into elegant upstyles – cutting it off wasn’t their forte. So women had to visit barbers to get the chop. This annoyed the men no end forcing them to line up behind the women
Men divorced women over the bob! Honestly. What a stupid reason, particularly if your bob looked like this one.
In New York City 2000 heads per day were being ‘bobbed’ in the early 1920’s. 2000!
There was outrage in 1925 when the Shingle Bob was introduced (worn by the flapper gals, it’s a concave super short tapered cut shown in the bottom of this advert below) because parents claimed they couldn’t tell their offspring from boy to girl from the back.
Queen Mary was NOT a fan. So she requested that women conceal their cut with hair additions at court functions. A lot of women saved their cut locks in order to add them back on for particular social engagements.
Queen Mary looks like she has a bob in this picture i think...
Very interesting indeed. There’s a bob fan page I stumbled across would you believe? Oh, and the bob is the reason the bobby pin was invented. Ha-ha. There you have it. I often wondered that myself.

Admire some modern bobs of today if you're toying with this very idea yourself.
(p.s. katie's bob is the style 'we' (the girls) decided on for moi... )

A change is good as a holiday … or say they say.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Crystal Head Vodka

On Wednesday night a package wrapped in newspaper sat on the kitchen bench with a card and bunch of flowers next to it. It was from B – our 5-month old staffy to say thank you. Isn’t he thoughtful?

B had an accident out at my brothers property – nothing electric fence, snake, cow or cattle dog related. He jumped on a table and fell off again and fractured his knee. Orthopedic surgery (with castration thrown in) and an emotional 2 weeks later, he’s healing – but is beginning to get a bit crazy from his confinement. I’d been flying solo for the ordeal and the first week. So when B asked A to buy me a present, I guess A thought it was a nice gesture, plus we manage B's finances.

This is what was underneath the newspaper.

A bottle of Crystal Head Vodka. Yay.

I’d hoped to pick some up when in the States and then forget when leaving NY (and my bags were bursting at the seams). Now Australia stock it! Dan Ackroyd (who you gonna call... Ghostbusters..) is the master mind behind it. Isn’t the bottle fab?

I have this mixed media art work I did back in school which I threw in  an el cheapo frame last year when I decided orange was needed in the house – it’s collecting dust somewhere in the office now. This pic's a bit weird, i had to crop it but you get the jist of it.
Once the vodka's been consumed, I might reframe and throw a water plant in the skull and unite them whilst listening to Death Metal.

Great gift idea for the vodka lover. The bottle is, quite simply, a cracker.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Prawn Cocktails and an Art Deco Lounge

Easter reminds me of prawn cocktails on Good Friday. Yum!
Recipe courtesy of Exclusively Food

No Easter Eggs for me this year. I've treated myself to an Art Deco Cane Lounge instead.

She needs a clean, coat and new cushion covers. I've located a light olive green fabric from Fab Outdoor Fabrics but can't commit just yet. Need to be sure on this one.

These are the two options with black or same colour piping. We have alot of palm trees surrounding this verandah so I want it to disappear amongst them.

Now you know what i'll be thinking about over Easter.
Have fun and Stay Safe!x

Monday, April 2, 2012

What $17.5million looks like

I still have a major crush on Palm Springs and trawl Real Estate a little too often. It's a bit of a trip when you do a search result on a real estate website and it gives you the option to go up to $25,000,000. Which of course I did so I could see what I will never, ever have.

$17,500,000 will buy you this:
 It has 7 different quites and houses plus multiple outdoor living areas, rock spas, hiking trails. It even has a rock house!
Here's the link - there's a load more pic's to see ... It''s on 73acres. I did think $17.5m would look different actually. I'm sure it's far more spectacular than the photos portray though. I love the use of greens with the stone

I think I lived in Palm Springs in a past life - I'm too besotted with it to not have.